Creating a series of information graphic posters

‘Grey Threads’ is a series of posters, which aims to inform graphic designers about the social disintegration that elderly people with vision impairments encounter in Singapore. The concepts envisioned in these posters are creatively appealing for a graphic designer; but by reflective viewing one would think that the connotation following these images are meant to be anything, but beautiful.

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A series of four posters, each focusing on a different visual impairment disease. In the middle, a manual rotational viewfinder lets a viewer expierience a visual impairment disease in a everyday situation. These posters are created to evoke a sense of empathy in graphic designers in a manner that aims to question if, designing for the elderly is a priority or just a marginal means for them.

The progression of the Grey Threads project was then furthered by a series of research between the use of John Maeda's Laws of Simplicity and Design Principles for Visually Impaired. A record has been kept of all the research findings, sketches, processes, information and developments – putting them together into a Design Process Journal.